Cherry Smoothie

About this Recipe: This cherry smoothie is a great post-workout treat to help fight inflammation, soothe sore muscles & with the protein kick can aid in muscle recovery. In a review of 29 human studies cherries decreased markers for oxidative stress in 8/10 studies; inflammation in 11/16; exercise-induced muscle soreness and loss of strength in 8/9; blood pressure in 5/7; arthritis in 5/5, and improved sleep in 4/4 - talk about a big bang for such a tiny fruit! 

Serving Size: 1 | Calories: 361 | Protein: 30g | Fiber: 5g  


  • 1/2 Banana

  • 1 Cup of Almond Milk

  • 8 Walnuts

  • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder

  • 1/2 Cup of Frozen Cherries


  1. Blend & enjoy!


Pineapple Smoothie